Friday 17 March 2006

Sorrow in Spring

These last few weeks in Tokyo have been a tragic mix of excitement,torture and mundaness for me. Where I am going I do not know, I feel like I want to embrace Neon Tokyo's heart, and get swept up in 'the' bubble. But it seems that soon 'my' bubble will pop and everything will shift around me. My relationships, my work, my home.

I have become so tired to look at my image recently, i feel i need to evolve. I guess its true when the world around you changes, you react in fashion, art, someway which you can control the changes. Maybe its the Tokyo bug, taking grasp of me.

The people, places, the sights of Tokyo bring me a great sense of 'belonging' but dramatically can bring such loneliness. Its two sides of the same coin.

I guess I'm scared of the change, how I will grow. Someone told me that every decision you make is the right one.
I wish I was brave enough to trust that.

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