Thursday 28 May 2009

Bed Time

Right, I am sooo over with these projects. I have just put the instruction manual together, looking pretty lame but this time it fits the brief, amazing what crap you can get away with on a degree course.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have to take my touring bike to the shop for a check up, and to help me take off the pedals so it fits snug in the box. Also will pop into uni to print and hand in the project, but I will be on stealth mode as my year have been asked to help paint the 3rd yrs exhibition boards for their show. I have already been made to feel guilty on two occasions by staff, do they expect everyone always to have free time? I don't have free time, so will avoid at all costs... infact even if I did have a few hours spare I would rather be watching Americas Next Top Model repeats than being helpful to a stranger... god I sound evil. Well Its more the fact that I hate that uni, I am a nice boy really.
Time to take my greasy mop of hair to bed I think. Until next time.

Study Torture

I had thought that my study was over, until I was told that the most dullest project ever; an instructional diagram of 'how to give a cat a pill' was unmarkable!
I really didn't need to hear that, of course I was very polite and apologized calmly, but inside I could have spat in his face. Maybe my version did not follow the brief exactly, but does that make it unmarkable?
I did OK I thought, looked pretty nice, nothing like an instructional diagram...but who would want to get paid for doing such a mundane task? not me certainly.

It may sound like I have a huge attitude problem maybe I do, after a countless barrage of creativity draining projects set to me.
I just smile in the end, and then snarl as soon as their backs are turned.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Here I Go!

Hi all, I'm back blogging after a rather long break. But as my life seems to be going somewhere new, I thought it would be a good idea to keep a record of it all.

Right now I'm in the UK, on my last week at uni; my final year starts in September, which is a total bummer having to withstand the British winter and the general gloominess of my life here.
Well that's in 4 month, this Monday I will be jetting off to Hong kong with my capsule wardrobe, which is very thought out and contains, shorts, shorts, shorts and yes one more pair of shorts; lets hope it doesn't rain!

I have a month in HK, firstly to get lots of observational drawing done, and documenting of just about anything that pulls me in. Its all prep work for my final year at uni, wanna really be at the top as of next year.

After HK I will be dragging my way to Tokyo with my backpack and (forgot to mention) my boxed up bicycle which I bought along with a ton of gear in my hometown Swindon, for the sole purpose of, wait for it... cycling solo and self supported 2000km across Japan! that from Fukuoka - Tokyo.
I have never done anything like this before, but I have always had an urge to do something really adventurous all by myself. I feel like I need to push myself forward at this point, after quite a crazy and life changing 2008.

So I have most things organized, which I'm sure for most people is very little. Well I have the flights booked, just nowhere to stay and a very limited budget. I'm sure it will be OK in the end, I have my tent!
Once I arrive in Japan I will be looking for modeling work, back with my agency but as I have been hearing; there is a huge decrease in work out there. Which will probably mean for me, fewer jobs and less cash. I have accepted that for now, and my main focus is on the cycling trip which will take at least 1 month of my time so as long as I can eat, and get a good nights sleep, I 'should' be happy... but lets face it I'm no Bear Grylls; I'm still yet to eat a live snake, sleep inside a dead camel carcus or peed on my t-shirt and wrapped it around my head to keep me cool!

So that's a little update on me, your probably wondering what the illustrations have got to do with anything, actually nothing at all, just a few things I've been playing around with. Hope you like.

I will try and keep up to date posts on my adventures, so see you then.