Thursday 28 May 2009

Study Torture

I had thought that my study was over, until I was told that the most dullest project ever; an instructional diagram of 'how to give a cat a pill' was unmarkable!
I really didn't need to hear that, of course I was very polite and apologized calmly, but inside I could have spat in his face. Maybe my version did not follow the brief exactly, but does that make it unmarkable?
I did OK I thought, looked pretty nice, nothing like an instructional diagram...but who would want to get paid for doing such a mundane task? not me certainly.

It may sound like I have a huge attitude problem maybe I do, after a countless barrage of creativity draining projects set to me.
I just smile in the end, and then snarl as soon as their backs are turned.

1 comment:

Charlotte. said...

haha you'de better hope none of your tutors are privvy to this blog!! x

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