Thursday 28 May 2009

Bed Time

Right, I am sooo over with these projects. I have just put the instruction manual together, looking pretty lame but this time it fits the brief, amazing what crap you can get away with on a degree course.
Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have to take my touring bike to the shop for a check up, and to help me take off the pedals so it fits snug in the box. Also will pop into uni to print and hand in the project, but I will be on stealth mode as my year have been asked to help paint the 3rd yrs exhibition boards for their show. I have already been made to feel guilty on two occasions by staff, do they expect everyone always to have free time? I don't have free time, so will avoid at all costs... infact even if I did have a few hours spare I would rather be watching Americas Next Top Model repeats than being helpful to a stranger... god I sound evil. Well Its more the fact that I hate that uni, I am a nice boy really.
Time to take my greasy mop of hair to bed I think. Until next time.

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